Based on a true story of the American Civil War, culminating at the Battle of New Market, May 1864. A group of teenage cadets sheltered from war at the Virginia Military Institute must confront the horrors of an adult world when they are called upon to defend the Shenandoah Valley. Leaving behind their youth, these cadets must decide what they are fighting for.
- 7.0冷枪
- 1.0天福山起义
- 10.0黄桥决战1985战争简介:抗日战争时期,江苏境内。为巩固抗日根据地,陈毅(刘锡田 饰)奉中央之命率新四军北上。蒋介石令江苏省主席韩德勤(杨次禹 饰)纠集数倍于我之敌,企图在苏北全歼新四军。纵队司令赵勇(徐行 饰)率部抵达泰州城外,急于排除异已的韩德勤命令守城的刘世仪(彭奇愚 饰)和刘玉坤(江化霖 饰)死守,目的是让新四军帮他消灭异己,将来好独霸江苏。陈毅看清了韩德勤的险恶用心,他下令停止攻城,决心单刀赴会,降服“二刘”。面对陈毅的大义凛然,“二刘”方知韩德勤借刀杀人之用心,为了共同抗日,他们决定对韩德勤阳奉阴违,给新四军让路。国民党警备司令林太远(姜华 饰)带兵围歼泰州城,不料做了新四军的俘虏......
- 4.0闽赣风云
- 1.0尖刀班
- 9.0深入敌后:危险营救